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Three seperate oxen knew the answer to Exploding Jim's Falanx. No one but Joe dared tame the shrew rampaging through downtown North Dakota. Socrates saw him and licked 'im good. Socrates walked into Joe's Throat Emporium and licked a bird, who angrily stole bowling balls and happily drank apple juice boxes. Upon running out of self esteem, he shot buffalo Bil from Silence of the Lambs starring Jodie Foster. Then, all matter was destroyed, except for goats. Back in 1971, Justin threw up cod and that guy ate the cod and shouted obscenities generally toward Manatoba where that other fishy swam. Against all odds, Nick developed gills by the tree. Points were taken, lives were created, and death lurked near inside a puppy. He had good time smoking that bubble-pipe of doom. Friday came; no matter, I win. �I knew this because the fat hilari-big man called me ugly/fugly. I knelt before the tomb. A fire was over there. Burning the innocent. Carborators rained from their lungs, causing elk to vomit blood as Noah previously described. These guys started wailing uncontrolably. Sad scene... The next day several new things happened. I was time to party-down. So Vavy went to the store and bought Jell-O. It was good. Like Bill Cosby and pudding was flying over the industrial revolution with out guns, so obesity sang songs and ate big and danced small. It was decided that night they would assassinate all those that stood on my foot and tripped over beef puddles, accidentally spilling beef. Notably, Hanson sang "Mmmbop," disturbing all living in Nebraska. "Consarn," said Nick as he plummeted to his death, hell-monkeys ate him. Then the Devil played hopscotch on Justin's many roles in "Titanic". Corpulent bunnies had no Christmas. They wept, �but decide against going out because they were already. Next, they march into the sea to cool down and create a horrible vortex. Evuncular goats flew towards Dracula Mountain, where carnivorous plants thrive. There, they became dead. Which was the culprit? Old gerbils also died. They burned forever while sleeping under boxes in Vatican-City. The Pope yelled, �but nobody heard. For he's old. If a tree eats it's cousin, fatness spews horribly from Atlanta kites. Then the ultimate frisbee team attacked the penultimate one which proved perplexing. Mole people swallowed all of that. That there ham. Yup. Anywho, summer ate burning trees then Hodge ate Santa Claus for Chrismas Dinner. Children then worshiped him. Hodge yelled, "Salmon," and fell dead. On top of everything, life ended. The end. |